山东国际水展 |
来源: 中国环保滤料网 发表时间:2018/12/1 2:06:34 阅读:2325 |
山东国际水展始创于1999年,在泉城济南已经成功举办20届,已成为北方地区不间断成功举办时间较久的专业水行业展览会。2018年山东国际水展打破以往一年一届办展模式,开启一年双城两展。继在2018年4月26-28日在济南国际会展中心成功举办第20届山东国际水展之后,于2018年8月2-4日又在青岛成功举办首届青岛国际水展,并得到行业内人士高度好评认可。 2019山东国际水展将继续一年双城两展。2019年4月25-27日在济南国际会展中心召开“第21届山东国际水展”,2019年8月在青岛召开第二届青岛国际水展。两大展会将继续秉持“创新,升级”的办展理念,承载全行业的信任,为中国水行业的可持续发展奉献一份力量。主办方精心搭建起六大优势板块:膜与水处理、末端净水、污水处理、管泵阀、健康饮水管道及空气净化。此外还有精彩的同期会议,与行业各端精英一同把握行业动向,探讨创新解决方案。 山东国际水展欢迎您的到来! Shandong International Water Expo has been held 20 years since 1999 in Jinan.It has become a professional water industry exhibition that has been successfully held in the north for a long time. In 2018, the Shandong International Water Expo broke the previous one-year exhibition mode and opened two exhibitions in two diffrent cities.After successfully holding in Jinan on April 26-28, 2018, the first Qingdao International Water Expo was successfully held in Qingdao on August 2-4, 2018, and was highly praised by people in the industry. The 2019 Shandong International Water Expo will continue to be held on Jinan and Qingdao. The 21st Shandong International Water Expo will be held on April 25-27, 2019 at Jinan International Convention and Exhibition Center , and the 2nd Qingdao International Water Expo will be held on August 2019 in Qingdao. Welcome to Shandong International Water Expo! |
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